Full written recipe of Eggless Churros

Prep time: 5-10 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
Serves: 4-5 people

Cinnamon Sugar
CASTER SUGAR | कैस्टर शुगर 1/4 CUP
CINNAMON POWDER | दालचीनी पाउडर 1/2 TSP
WATER | पानी 1 CUP
BUTTER | मक्खन 2 TBSP / 30 GRAMS
SUGAR | शक्कर 1 TBSP
VAILLA ESSENCE | वैनिला एसेंस 1/2 TSP
CHOCOLATE SPREAD | चॉकलेट स्प्रेड
Add the caster sugar & cinnamon powder in a flat bowl & mix using a fork to make the cinnamon sugar.
Before making the dough for the churros you have to keep a few set-ups ready.
You will need to ready the piping bag & star nozzle setup ready, take 2 large piping bags & insert one in the other, then insert the star nozzle & cut an end so that the nozzle pops out. Use a large tall glass & insert the piping bag into it, open the piping bag & fold it over the rim of the glass.
Keep a parchment paper lined baking tray / plate ready to pipe out the churros.
In a small stock pot add water, butter, sugar & vanilla essence, stir well & switch on the flame to high.
Once the butter melts & the water comes to a boil, switch off the flame & add the refined flour, stir well using a spatula & form a dough.
Let the dough rest for 1-2 minutes or until it gets warm to touch, then transfer the dough into the piping bag & push the dough down, seal the open end of the piping bag by twisting it.
Pipe 4-5 inches of churros onto the tray & cut the ends using a knife.
Fry the churros in moderately hoot oil (165 C) over medium flame until crisp & golden brown, then transfer them onto a sieve so that all the excess oil drips off & let them rest for 1-2 minute, coat them in the cinnamon sugar.
You can optionally fill the churros by making a small cavity using a straw & then piping it with some chocolate spread of cream cheese.
Your delicious churros are ready, serve them warm along with some whipped cream & chocolate spread of your choice.

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Intro 0:00
Cinnamon Sugar 1:45
Piping bag set-up 2:20
Dough 4:43
Frying 7:29
Filled Churros 8:56
Plating 9:54
Outro 10:39